Woman - Age 32

Set free from darkness and oppression.

I’m so glad I got to meet up with Gideon and Jennifer. Their kindness, warmth, non-judgemental attitude towards me and their time helped me a lot.

For about one year, I would notice a strong oppression of darkness, every time I praised the Lord with music. I could feel this physically. This usually happened at home when I was having my private time with the Lord. I would feel my neck and shoulders cramp up (sometimes my legs too), as if someone caught me by the scruff of my neck. This happened more and more frequently. After a while I even started growling to the extent that I could no longer sing. I would be ‘thrown’ to my knees, and I was not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

What was happening to me? I knew one thing, I wanted this to stop. And it became clear to me that I was going to need help.

During my meetings with Gideon and Jennifer I could share my story, and they asked me follow up questions. We prayed and we worshiped.

After a prayer of repentance I could feel how the demons had to leave my body and the freedom that came with it. After this I have not been thrown to my knees or cramped up during worship, at home or in public meetings.

Also praying for the infilling of the Holy Spirit was a precious moment for me. Afterwards, the Holy Spirit asked me to kneel during a public meeting. This was so different than what would happen to me before I was delivered. How awesome it is to kneel, knowing I am obedient to God and I am giving Him honour. Hallelujah! Jesus conquered all!

Heart Hallelujah! Jesus conquered all!

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