Partnering to Make His Kingdom Visible
As a full-time ministry, we are passionate about making God’s Kingdom visible in this world. To achieve this, we are fully dependent on gifts and donations. The growth and investment required for this ministry naturally involve financial challenges, but together, we can make it happen.
Give and Invest in Transformation
By supporting Closely by His Side Ministries with a one-time or recurring donation, you share in the costs and invest in the vision of this ministry. A deeper way to get involved is by becoming a partner of the ministry. Partnership goes beyond giving; it is entering into a deeper connection and sharing in the fruit and blessings that flow from this work. This opportunity is available to both individuals and businesses.
Giving Your Tithes: A Source of Blessing
You can also give your tithes to Closely by His Side Ministries via a dedicated tithing account: NL44 RABO 0378 1999 35 The Bible says, “Try it! Put me to the test! See if I will not open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in.” [Mal. 3:10-12]. By giving your tithes, you free up resources to support God’s work and become part of His miraculous provision.
Working Together to Transform Lives
We offer support to those who come to us with a need in a financially accessible way, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has an equal chance to receive help. We believe that this transformation will not only impact individual lives but also ripple out to others around them.
A Ministry Marked by Signs and Wonders
We trust that God, in His faithfulness and goodness, will provide and that this ministry will be marked by signs and wonders. Your contribution helps make this possible and honors God through your finances.
Join Us and Make a Difference
Would you like to invest in making His Kingdom visible? You can make a one-time or recurring donation, give your tithes, or become a partner of Closely by His Side Ministries. Together, we can build a movement of hope, healing, and transformation.
Give today and see what God can do through your gift!
Closely by His Side Ministries is registered as a Dutch General Benefit Organization.
Make your gift via the options below:
Scan the QR with your camera to transfer money
Gifts account:
t.n.v. Closely by His Side Ministries
IBAN: NL95 RABO 0364 0411 88
Tithes account:
t.n.v. Closely by His Side Ministries
IBAN: NL44 RABO 0378 1999 35