Foundation information

Foundation information

Name of foundation:
Closely by His Side Ministries

Chamber of Commerce registration:

RSIN - fiscal number:

Mail and physical address:
Boterbloemstraat 27, 2971 BR Bleskensgraaf, the Netherlands

Board of Directors:
Closely by His Side Ministries is governed by our Board of Directors. The organisation is supervised by the Oversight Board, which holds the Board of Directors accountable concerning their policy, organisation and yearly reports. This Oversight Board also provides advice and encouragement.

Oversight Board:
Chairman - Margreet Visser
Secretary - Leon van Zijl
Member - Joyce van den Dool

Board of Directors:
Gideon Hamerpagt
Jennifer Hamerpagt

Closely by His Side Ministries’ purpose is to be a ministry and a movement of disciples of Jesus, giving shape to the Kingdom of God in social, cultural and religious communities in Holland and abroad. This ministry aims to bring physical and spiritual restoration and lift people to higher and more powerful realms through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Download our organisation’s policy here

Rewards and financial recompense:
The board members do not receive any payment for their efforts, directly or indirectly. However they do get recompensed for expenses made on behalf of the organisation. All such recompenses are accounted for in our yearly financial report.

Report of the organisation’s activities:
A recent report of our activities can be found in our annual report

Financial report:
The financial report is part of our annual financial statement.

Closely by His Side Ministries is registered as a Dutch General Benefit Organization.
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