Woman - Age 35

I had suppressed my emotions for so long that I could no longer feel love or joy.

Looking back on the past year, I do so with gratitude. Grateful for what God, through Gideon and Jennifer, has changed in my life and our lives. The darkness in my life has been shown the door. It wasn't without struggles, but Jesus is the victor, and in Him, we are more than conquerors. We have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. And that's exactly what I want to do, share my testimony with you all and thereby glorify God.

Over the past year, I have come to realize that the devil had stolen a lot from me—physically, emotionally, spiritually, and in my relationship with God, my husband, and my children. I recognized it and, with God, Gideon, and Jennifer, started reclaiming lost ground. And it has transformed my life.

Physically, for the past 8 or 9 years, I dealt almost daily with bleeding. Medication, surgery, nothing worked. Medically, there was no further solution without invasive surgery. Fortunately, we have a God who goes beyond the medical world and can do things that are impossible for humans.

Heart Fortunately, we have a God who goes beyond the medical world and can do things that are impossible for humans.

One evening with Gideon and Jennifer, a curse was broken. From that day, I became symptom-free.

My life was also characterized by fatigue. I used to dread the start of each day, counting the hours until I could reasonably go back to bed. Overwhelming fatigue often made it a struggle to get through the day. While there was no specific prayer for it, I believe God worked through the evenings, His presence, and all the deliverance. There wasn't a specific moment, but gradually, I noticed that I was no longer burdened by extreme and overwhelming fatigue.

Heart All extreme and overwhelming fatigue has disappeared.

I often set my alarm early to spend time with God in the early hours. I no longer count my hours with and without sleep. I often go to bed later than I would have ever imagined, combined with getting up extra early.

God has also brought emotional healing into my life. I had suppressed my emotions for so long that I could no longer feel love or joy.

Heart I had suppressed my emotions for so long that I could no longer feel love or joy.

I've been freed from blocks, and I feel more love for my husband and children than ever before. I experience joy and happiness deep within me, and I rediscover passion for things. I have often marveled at people working and doing things with passion, thinking it was reserved for a few. But that's a lie. God has restored my passion, and He wants this for everyone.

God has brought silence and peace to my mind. I was never aware of it; I thought it was normal. There was always a certain restlessness in my mind, causing me to malfunction when multiple things happened around me or when I was asked to do too much. Now, I experience, and it has continually grown, a silence and peace in my mind that I had never experienced before.

I have changed tremendously through all the conversations and deliverance. It wasn't done in one go, and no, not in 2, 3, or 4 times either. In hindsight, I don't think I could have handled that. The many bondages were intertwined with my identity; they had become part of who I thought I was. Often after deliverance, I would wake up the next day feeling empty and confused. Who was I really? Every time was a search for a new balance, renewing my thinking in what God said about who I was.

My husband and children noticed how I changed. I am immensely grateful to God that He worked not only with me but with our entire family. My husband was delivered from ADHD. He used to take a lot of medication to get through the days with more peace. He is off all medication now and experiences more peace than with the large quantity of pills. Addictions, generational curses, everything is broken. We have been given the opportunity to break all of this through how God uses Gideon and Jennifer. As a result, our children can grow up without this baggage, and they can be free from a young age. Through everything we as parents have brought into the light and everything that has been broken, they have also changed significantly. Peace has also come to our family, and we are grateful to God for that every day.

Heart Peace has also come to our family, and we are grateful to God for that every day.

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