Woman - Age 45

It's unbelievable: I'm free! Free from darkness, free from thoughts of death, and free from depression.

It's unbelievable: I am free! Free from darkness, free from thoughts of death, and free from depression.

I would like to share my story because I am joyful and grateful for what Jesus has done for me, and I also want to thank Gideon and Jennifer for their love and patience. How did this darkness enter my life? It has always been a recurring issue to some extent, but it became noticeably worse after a difficult period in my life. This period coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, and due to social distancing measures, there were few people I could turn to for support.

Honestly, I used to have reservations about deliverance. When I saw manifestations of deliverance in some people, I thought, "That's not for me." That's why I came to Gideon and Jennifer that day, seeking prayer for healing. I was in pain and wanted prayer for that. But Jesus' love was so great that He wanted to do much more for me that day. During the prayer, something began to manifest quickly, something related to demons of death and depression. I felt something powerful coming up and leaving me twice. Although it was intense, there was also the peace of the Lord. In hindsight, I thought, "I should have asked for this prayer earlier."

Heart “I wish I had asked for this prayer earlier ”

There was also prayer for healing from a childhood trauma that still had an impact after all these years.

The morning after felt so strange and empty. There were no more thoughts of death and that feeling of "I don't want to live anymore." The freedom was so good, and yet I also felt out of balance. After a day, a deep peace came over me, and I sing the song "You're a good, good Father" in my thoughts. The song says, "Love so undeniable" and also: "You call me deeper still into love."

That song put into words what I was feeling, and I felt the love of the Father flowing through me. It brought so much joy that I had to laugh. The next day, I noticed that I could hear God's voice much more clearly. I was led to a woman on the street, and she indeed was open to God and in need of His help. I was able to pray for her. I also noticed that I can now do things without constantly thinking about danger and being anxious. This brings so much more freedom to my daily life.

I opened my Bible and read in John 15: "You are now clean because of the word I have spoken to you; remain in Me, as I also remain in you." It also says that without Jesus, we can do nothing. By remaining in Jesus, I can stay free and live under His protection.

And as for the healing? I received that too: the pain was gone the next day. Jesus continues to heal and set people free.

He is so good! What He has done for me, He wants to do for you too!

Heart What He has done for me, He also wants to do for you!

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